Sunday, August 25, 2013


So I'm trying to be better at if anyone has any ideas to help me make my blog super cute...chime in!

So here's the latest:
Momma is doing well. Here is a basic overview of my week

Mom got admitted to the hospital
Quita went to law school in Boston. Far far away from me :(
Mom was set to get a procedure done where they would take a scope into her lung to check the infection, and while they were in there, they nicked an artery.
She was put into the ICU and put on a respirator.

Mom got out of the ICU and they took her off the respirator

Since then things have been looking up, she got to go home on Thursday and she said she hasn't felt as good as she feels now in eight weeks. So as horrible as it was, it was a huge blessing that she went to the hospital and got the care that she needed. I am so thankful that I didn't lose her. None of us have ever been as scared as we were this week. My brother looked at me, and I could tell he was completely freaked, and said "Ya know...during this whole cancer thing I've really been ok. But this is the first time I've been really scared." And that really explains it well. We've done really well through all of this. We've gotten closer and really been there for each other, but nothing like this week. It really makes me thankful to be apart of such a wonderful clan. I love my family and I really am so thankful for them. Also for my friends. For all their support. For asking how I'm doing. For caring.

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